Ron Nagy's Blog

Historian • Author • Spiritualism
Precipitated Spirit Painting Article by Ron Nagy

Precipitated Spirit Painting Article by Ron Nagy

Precipitated Spirit Paintings are works of art produced through the mediumship of the Bangs sisters or Campbell brothers in the years from 1894 to about 1911 during séances in the light. No human hand was used—the entire process was by spirit communication. An iridologist examined the eyes of several of these, one of which was a portrait of President Abraham Lincoln.

The method of reception was much the same as the Bangs sisters’, except that the canvas was placed on a table, the paints placed in a receptacle beneath the table, then the table was covered with black cloth to eliminate the light, leaving the frame and canvas alone exposed.

The Campbell brothers sat with the sitters around the table with hands on the table to produce a concentrated battery. The picture was then precipitated in full view of the sitters.

The picture of Lincoln has been often copied and is considered a remarkable likeness of the great emancipator whose Spiritual development is a marked feature in this picture.

Facial Diagnosis:

Lines on forehead might indicate a circulatory system problem. This man has many vertical lines at the bridge of his nose. This is considered a liver sign, could indicate an angry person. The liver holds the emotion of anger. The horizontal lines at the bridge of the nose indicate an insufficiency with the pancreas, sugar metabolism. Dark coloring in the corner of the eye indicates spleen insufficiency (possibly anemic).

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